Friday, August 3, 2007

A Cute Luv Story

A boy had cancer & he had only one month to live.

He liked a girl working in a CD shop.

But he did not tell her abot his love.

Everyday he used to go to the CD shop & buy a CD to talk to her.

After a month he died.

When the girl went and asked about him his mother told that he died and took her to his room.

Inside the room the girl saw all the CDs unopened and the girl cried.............................

You know why?????








She had kept her own letters inside the CD pack because she also loved him......

Monday, July 9, 2007

love & pain r alwayz together

once all feeling decided 2 play hide and seek.

pain started counting n all others were hiding.

lie hide near tree,love couldn't get a place to hide so

he hid himself in rose bush.Everyone was caught

except love but madness told pain about love.

pain jumbed in d bush n when came out love

lost his eye because of the thorns.then god

cursed pain and ordered him 2 b wid luv 4 ever.

since then

LOVE is blind and alwayz accompanied by pain.......!
"Love means exposing yourself to the pain of being hurt.."

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

no one is bad

I believe dat no one is a bad ......but what makes a man bad is the circumstances.


i found a girl in my life...who was very soft 2 me ....we talked till late nite....i started loving dat girl...she too started loving me ....but as we continue our story a day came ...when she started ignoring me...i found her she started giving me excuses..she used 2 tell dat she was ignoring me because of me only ...I WIL LOSE MY CONTROL ON ME IN FUTURE--she meant dat am addicted to her and if she continue our relation as such ...wil b bad 4 me...and thus she break up our relation..
who was the loser.i lost her because of me?
or what?
who is bad?
me or her?
there is only one point what i believe.......NO ONE IS BAD....WHAT MAKES ONE BAD IS THE CIRCUMSTANCES.